The Alchemist's Bench:
Quest Design
quest design

Coming up with Plots
Dewayne Agin helps us get started writing a new choosing a plot.
Filling in the Plot
Dewayne shows us how to turn a general plot idea into a detailed plan for a Quest Pack.
Creating the Maps
Dewayne wraps up the series by pointing out the things that go into the design of a good quest level.
Tips for Creating Great Quests
Mitchel Hansinger offers some guidelines for creating quests that are exciting, logical, fun and interesting.
Temporary Heroes
"Hobbes" points out a technique that can be used to balance out a difficult quest or keep the action moving in any quest.
A Notch Above: HeroQuest Improvements
Carl Forhan's article describing numerous methods for spicing up the game, such as new encounter types, plot twists, ongoing themes and recurring villains.
Trying Something Different, Part 1
First in an occasional series about new quest types and other ways to add variety to the game.

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Original materials on this site are copyright © 1998, 1999, 2000 by their respective creators. Nothing on this site is intended as a challenge to the rights of the Milton Bradley Corporation in regard to their HeroQuest product.