The Alchemist's Bench: New Monsters
New Monsters

Copyright 2000 by Dewayne Agin



Fimir Downloads: (Fimir Spells #1 - 4) (Fimir Spells #5 - 8)

Each of the above files contains both sides of the cards, consisting of text descriptions on one side and full color artworks on the card backs. These are designed to be cut out and glued so as to create cards very much like the ones that came with HeroQuest. Each file is in PDF (Adobe Acrobat) format, compressed as a ZIP archive.

This file contains all eight card fronts only, without depicting the backs. It is also a PDF that has been compressed in a ZIP archive.


This is a link to a text file that contains the spell descriptions. You won't need Acrobat or an unZip utility to view it.

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