Guestbook di HeroScribe

Just wanted to say thanks for making a really good website. I'v just bought heroquest again from ebay, used to play it as a kid but now i'm going to play it with my mates at age 23-35, and non of them are "geeks". Its just simply an awesome game, now made even better with all the add on's that people have created. I didnt realize there was such a big heroquest community out there. Keep up the awesome work you do guys!

Aggiunto: August 6, 2010
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HeroScribe is the most amazing Quest Design tool. I like how simple it is to use and the end product is perfect. Great job DefelLink! Love the Website, too! Thank you for preserving so many of the Geocities Websites, all your hard work on HeroScribe, the HeroQuest font, and the hilarious adverts found around the Website.


Aggiunto: March 7, 2010
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Love Heroquest so much even got Advanced Heroquest. I have had them since new all thoughs years ago still play them from time to time with my gaming group

Aggiunto: September 20, 2009
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just wanted to say that I love your HQ editor!
But I miss some features: a preview of the selected symbol and the german board layout.

BTW nice HeroQuest font!

Aggiunto: August 6, 2009
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I have been to the site many times and thought I should sign the guest book. Long live HQ.

Aggiunto: September 4, 2008
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davvero grandioso, tanto materiale a disposizione per chi ama questo gioco intramontabile
graaaaaazie mitico!!!!

Aggiunto: July 20, 2008
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Complimenti... uno dei più bei siti dedicati a questo magnifico ed intramontabile gioco, il materiale scaricabile è di altissima qualità.

Aggiunto: June 24, 2008
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Ciao! Anch'io sono un appassionato di HQ!!! Mi ricorda la mia infanzia... (ma ci gioco ancora adesso!) Non mollare e continua così!!!

Aggiunto: December 9, 2007
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Nice site, good job on the printable dice, im thinking about making a huge pair just to hang from my truck mirror, muhuhahahahaha. Anyway Hero Quest was one of those things from my youth i wont ever forget, even the commercial was bad-ass, so its good to know people are still appreciating it now and keeping it alive

Aggiunto: December 6, 2007
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Anche dopo (per me) 15 anni HQ rimane uno dei giochi migliori di sempre!!!
Grazie per aver creato HeroScribe, è assolutamente utile e drogoso!!!
Non vedo l 'ora che esca la nuova versione, ho davvero bisogno di aggiungere i testi!!!

Even after (for me)15 years HQ remains one of the best games ever!!!
Thank you for creating HeroScribe, it 's absolutely useful and addictive!!!
I 'm looking forward for the new version, i really need to add texts!!!

Aggiunto: September 22, 2006
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